Sunday, October 12, 2008

Splish Splash

Emalee loves taking baths! Notice our little "One Eye Wonder"...she will open one eye, look around, and then either close that eye and go back to sleep OR if she is interested in what she sees she will open both eyes!


This morning, VERY early, Uncle Chris and Char came over for breakfast. After a great meal, Emalee, Jaxen, and Char decided it was snuggle time...which turned into nap time!

First Vistors

Emalee has had her first out of town visitors! Uncle Calvin, Aunt Heather, Dallas, and Hunter came for the weekend. We had a blast together! I dont think Emalee was put down for more then 5 mins. The boys played SO great together. If only they lived closer!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Healthy Baby Girl!!

Great news...Emalee has been given a clear bill of health! She tipped the scales at 6lbs even at her last Drs visit. Her color is finally better. This means our little angel is considered "healthy" and doesn't have to go back to the Drs for 6 wks!!! She is doing great at home. It is amazing how she can sleep through both of her brothers playing right next to her! Jaxen is madly in love with her. When he wakes up every morning he walks around the house yelling "Baby!" until he finds her. Izak is struggling with the transition. Please keep him in your prayers (along with his mom and dad) because he is really testing his boundaries and trying to "find his place" in our new family dynamics.

On another note, today is the 7th anniversary of my Daddy's death. Although this is my least favorite day of the year, it has been a great one. The new gift of life we have been blessed with really captures a sense of my dad. Emalee's eyes are becoming more and more blue every day...just like my dad's. And God bless her, she definitely has his nose and ears! Out of all three of my children, she definitely resembles my dad the most.

It is hard to believe that she is 15 days old and I have very few pictures of her. What can I say, she's my third! More pictures soon, I promise!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Princess Emalee

Just a quick update...we are HOME! Emalee is doing great and the boys love us all being together. Our dear friend Annie and her mom stopped by today to meet the little lady. She is finally wearing a hair bow! I haven't had a chance to take a lot of pictures, but will very soon! Thank you for all of the princess is perfect!